"Authentic German Potato Salad"

Tomorrow night, we will be having our Bon Voyage party for the upcoming trip – which also marks that we have only one week before we’re off on a too-long flight bound for Berlin!  For this party, we were encouraged to bring a dish that could possibly be served in one of the countries we are visiting (meaning Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland or France).  I must admit that when I first read this, I googled “easy German recipes” and was like, “There is NO way this is going to happen!”  I soon contemplated heading to Walmart or Kroger for a quick fix.  However, I thought some more (and Mom – who hardly ever lets me cook because I “dirty too many dishes!!”- is out of town, so when the cat’s away, the mice will play!!) and thought I would try my hand at…

Authentic German Potato Salad

Link to Recipe on AllRecipes – Thanks, SCHOOLBEE123!!
Since I don’t know the etiquette of blogging recipes if it’s not your own creation, I’ll just include some pictures (taken with my iPad and not the best – I was cooking, what can I say…) and hopefully you can get an idea of the sweet  (literally; however, I substituted Truvia in for the sugar), heavenly, and flavorful/aromatic stuff that this is!  I haven’t edited them or anything as I am in the mood to post at 11:48 at night before potentially the longest week of the summer and didn’t want to let that mood pass – so don’t judge!
I made a smaller batch first because I wasn’t sure if it would taste good, and since it’s a potluck, I didn’t think I needed to bring much.  However, I did end up liking it quite a bit and ran to the store to get provisions for a second (yet mushier) batch so I could share with family and a friend/coworker who I talked to about this adventure.
Semi-conclusion:  I haven’t had a lot of German food, even though I am part German on my mother’s side, but if the rest of their food is like this, they have a new fan – and a very curious one at that – to try more in its native land.
Las papas are resting until they are called on for action… Which will be soon! 
Why, hello, Bacon! As far as I know (morning will tell),I only splattered once, and not even on my clothes!!
Only one small finger burn, but it doesn’t hurt yet, which
I’ll take as a good sign. 
Yes, bacon deserves two pictures.  YUM!
Onions swimming in bacon grease??  Yeah, I suppose
I can handle that.  ðŸ™‚
The finishing part of the first batch when everything
comes together for a little part. This was the first batch.
Second Batch – all done! Now, to cool down, throw in the fridge
so it can do it’s dancing all night long for the awaiting beasts
(OK, fellow party guests) tomorrow night!   This house

has NEVER smelled so good.

So, you’re probably wondering why this potato salad is such a big deal and why I took pictures of it…  Is it incredibly hard to make???  Well, not so much.  BUT, it is (to my recollection) the only dish I have created from a recipe that I didn’t just throw together or learn how to make from watching my mom cook.  And I did it all by myself.  I’m pretty proud of my efforts and even washed the dishes after I was done.  Mom will be proud, too.  ðŸ™‚
Gut essen und “Bon voyage!!”