Happy Easter!

We had a great day today at the Bunker House.! My brother, his girlfriend and their daughter came by for a light lunch and Zoe really enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs.  I hope everyone had a great day today, whether you celebrated Easter or just enjoyed a Sunday of being alive.  Because life is great, and we need to remember that.

Easter Rose Budgs

Easter Rose Budgs

Happy Easter from the Easter Bunny!

Happy Easter from the Easter Bunny!

The weather was perfect for today (dare I say "hot"?) in the 70s.

The weather was perfect for an egg hunt today (dare I say “hot”?) in the 70s.  I think it got up to 79, and although the air smelled strongly of it, most of us in town didn’t see more than a few drops of rain.

My Saturday!

I was in the cooking mood today!  Also, in the catching-up on Boss and starting Girls mood…  All of which made for a fun day!

For lunch, I sauteed a pound of ground beef with orange and red bell peppers, and – of course – onions (don’t worry, I didn’t eat it all!).  Delicious, and oh-so simple.  For dinner, I made my friend Laura’s Vegan Three-Bean Chili, but served it over broccoli slaw instead of corn chips – all the crunch with none of the guilt!


A few of our tulips have also started to bloom!  I wasn’t able to get great pictures, what with the sun beating down on them because I was too lazy to wait for the right light, but here’s a peek!  I’ve been seeing some of the trees around town start to bloom, so I might head over to the library tomorrow… redbuds and crabapples, oh my!

On Friday evening, before they really opened up...

On Friday evening, before they really opened up…

On Saturday, with mid-day brightness...  The tales of a lazy photographer continue...

On Saturday, with mid-day brightness… The tales of a lazy photographer continue…