Travel – One of My Strongest Passions

Looking skyward.
Notre Dame de Paris | Paris, France

Traveling is without a doubt one of my strongest passions in life.  With travel, you can see the world; explore your heritage; see sites you’ve only heard and read about before; connect on a special level with events in history, literature, art and more; and, perhaps most importantly, open your eyes to other viewpoints, ideas and ways of life.

Doing What He Does.
A man makes fresh noodles
at Chinatown Express in Washington, D.C.

To put it briefly, I firmly believe traveling makes you a better person, both internally and as a member of society.  And who doesn’t want to become a better person?

I’ve had the good fortune to travel in a number of U.S. states and several countries in Europe, and I look forward to expanding that list in the future.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a life without travel is a life without life.  Travel is the stuff that (my) dreams are made of!!  ðŸ™‚